
  •   DaAll Aesthetic Cream Soap television campaign and promotion starts and is featured on Hawaii Television’s KFVE The Home Team and Oceanic Cable OC16. Viewers get an introduction to DaAll complete 3-in-1 solution. Our website is listed to order or for more information.     Filmed at the Hilton Waikiki Beach hotel’s VIP Altitude 37 lounge, the DaAll commercial features Hawaii supermodel Deanna Elerick. Deanna has been featured in various magazines, print ads and television ads nationally and internationally. We felt she was the perfect fit to be the face of DaAll Aesthetic Cream Soap.>>Read More

  • Ron Robinson, an owner of FredSegal stores, Los Angeles talks about DaAll Aesthetic Cream Soap in ‘Stripes & Sequins’ an online magazine. He said he himself that he uses DaAll everyday as a shave cream and cannot be without it.     DaAll soap is made in Japan of extreme quality and can be used by both men & women.Its highly concentrated foamy lather greatly reduces unnecessary friction during shaving and keeps moisture on your skin even after rinsing.Moreover, its fragrance brings relaxation to you every time it’s used.>>Read More