Initially, DaAll Aesthetic Cream Soap was created primarily to help our salon customers who have suffer from a variety of skin ailments. After vigorous testing and R&D, and our solution was finalized and ready to go. As we realized people all over the world could benefit from the DaAll formula-we wanted to share this solution with everyone, not just in Japan-but to those overseas as well.
DaAll soap represents great sense of unity and friendship, as it was born from an international collaboration and sharing of knowledge and efforts. With DaAll’s introduction to the United States, our growth of friendships and connections continue to unfold.
Here are some of our experiences while on our journey to achieve overseas distribution.
Los Angeles, U.S.A.
US sale launches at Fred Segal

DaAll Aesthetic cream soap is also available not only in Japan but also overseas. Prior to expanding in the Japanese market, we now have DaAll products available at Fred Segal, our exclusive distributor in the United States.
Fred Segal is an iconic shopping destination known internationally for curating the hippest merchandise and introducing the world to the latest fashions. Fred Segal has been attracting big name celebrities for decades and has become symbolic with Hollywood culture. Fred Segal has grown to represent the West Coast lifestyle for over 50 years. Their main target customers are men and women between the ages 20 to 50, and with their larger boutique stores in Hollywood and Santa Monica, Fred Segal has expanded few locations offering LA style and high-fashion casual chic merchandises and products. Unlike similar stores in Japan, Fred Segal is known for its shop-in-shop style where individual brands are displayed in each store unit inside one large boutique. Fred Segal also sells other cosmetics, apparels, interior goods and products and even has cafés, restaurants and yoga studios.
Fred Segal continues to be the mecca for latest trends, thanks to their top of the line very selective buyers. And we are proud to say that DaAll Aesthetic Cream Soap has met their standards.
A miracle that led us to Fred Segal
As an esthetician running a beauty salon, customers always come to me and ask for advice on the problems they face with their skin. All of our customers were surprised to hear that our product line has been extended to Los Angeles and to such a prestigious store like Fred Segal.
“Impressive! How did you get your product sold at Fred Segal? ”
Honestly I was surprised myself since I had no relationship with them in the first place. This was a miracle. When I reflect back, I believe this opportunity landed on my lap as a result of my dedication to my customers.
A few years ago, I had a number of opportunities to visit Los Angeles-conducting aesthetic demonstrations. Most of my customers and students were Japanese, some who’ve moved to the United States due to their husband’s career or those who were married to Americans. One time, just before heading to Los Angeles as usual, I almost forgot one appointment I made long time ago with one customer who resides in L.A. By the time I arrived in LA, my schedule was fully booked and there was no way I was able to make that appointment.
I wanted to and needed to fulfill my commitment to her and I called her to set a time to meet as soon as I arrived. Still jetlagged, I checked into my hotel and rushed over to her house. She was happy and excited for my arrival as she welcomed me with open arms. After my appointment and just before I walked out of her door, I had one spare sample of DaAll soap with me and gave it to her as a gift. I knew she had sensitive skin and she was always looking for good skin care products so I thought this would be a good alternative for her to try. Not expecting that this small soap gift would lead into something bigger later on and eventually to the hands of Mr. Ron Robinson.
First orders from Fred Segal
After returning to Japan, I suddenly received a communication from that very same customer. She said her husband wanted to introduce the soap to his friend. It turns out that her husband’s friend was a friend of Mr. Ron Robinson, the owner of Fred Segal. In this world of business, cosmetic distribution is handled mostly through so-called “buyers” before products gets to the stores. I would’ve never imagined that a friendly contact like this would result in my product making it to retail shelves of Fred Segal.
I wanted everyone involved to try the DaAll soap and provided them with samples. A few months later, I received my first purchase order from Fred Segal. My heart wouldn’t stop pounding and I was so excited!
Later on I heard during the business negotiations, Mr. Ron seem to have had a close look at the product and looked very interested. He said he liked the fragrance in particular. Ron has his own brand line in Fred Segal that covers perfumes and fragrance products. In other words, he is also an expert in fragrance and aroma. If it wasn’t for the fragrance, DaAll soap would have never been in their shelves. Then, Mr. Ron started using one of the samples and later on told me when I met him in person for the first time. “Please make one for men next time. And put a very good shaving brush with it. Please allow me to sell your next products in my stores too.” One big dream came true (out of my ‘oversized’ wish list) with one little soap sample. I am forever so thankful for that one customer I met who has lead us to where we are now.
Later, during one of our business meetings, I heard that Mr. Ron Robinson had a good look at our product and was very interested. He said he liked the fragrance in particular. Being an expert and connoisseur in fragrance and aromas, Mr. Ron Robinson has his own line of perfumes and fragrance products. DaAll’s very light and pleasant fragrance was the key to his interest in our product.