“Why aren’t there any soap products that work as a make-up remover, facial cleanser and moisturizer?”
It was questions like these that lead me to the path of developing DaAll Aesthetic Cream soap.
As a professional esthetician, my mission is to constantly seek and strive for long-lasting beauty for all women. Through years of experience, I have utilized the skills and expert knowledge of skin care to succeed in this mission. Yet, I always had one big question and that was…
“Why aren’t there any soap products that would provide a total solution and work as a make-up remover, facial cleanser and moisturizer?”
The biggest challenge we face with facial soaps with a make-up remover function is its results. Many similar bar soaps or cleansers that also work as a make-up remover don’t work well. They tend to dry your skin and some cases, leave your soapy type of film on your face.
Are you satisfied with your cleansers?
I am definitely not satisfied with the cleansers I have been using nor have I found anything that would satisfy my customers either.
Have you experienced these with your current cleansers?
– Takes up too much space.
– Spillage causes messy sink area.
– When traveling, all necessary soaps, cases, lotions and nets isn’t conducive for travel.
– Building up the necessary amount of lather takes too long.
– Some soaps foam up a bit too much and dissipates too quickly.
– Your face feels a bit rigid after washing with your existing cleanser.
– Skin feels dry and itchy afterwards.
– In some cases, flakes of skin build up.
– Some cleansers leave a soapy film on your skin even after rinsing.
Decision to produce the one-and-only original soap!
I tried a number of products and nothing seemed to have worked for me which led me to the conclusion that producing my own soap was the only solution.
‘Take action immediately after inspiration.’ This has been a motto of mine and personal belief.
Herbal specialist and Korean head physician, Dr. Oh, was previously my doctor who had literally saved my life a number years ago. When I had thought about a herbal solution to create DaAll soap, I immediately flew to Korea and began working with Dr. Oh on creating the special kampo (herbal) formula utilized in DaAll soap.
Why use Korean Kampo formula?
When I was seeking the right formula of ingredients for our soap, the first thing that came into mind was Dr. Oh in South Korea. Dr. Oh is an expert in Chinese, Korean and Japanese herbal medicines.
Due to his expertise in this field, I thought Dr. Oh might have the answers to my earlier question; the right formula for our soap. DaAll soap’s ingredients are all natural and made from extracts of leaves, grass and trees. A truly one of a kind Korean Kampo formulated soap which is why DaAll is safe, skin-friendly product.
⇒ Click here to learn about Dr. Oh
Challenge #1: The Secret Formula
At first, Dr. Oh turned my offer down. His formula was his very own secret that should never get out in the open.
In order to convince Dr. Oh to join our DaAll soap development project, I took many of my patients and clients from Japan (who suffered from body and skin disorders and problems). While I continued bringing new patients in for treatment, I kept trying to convince Dr. Oh to provide us his Korean kampo formula, because I strongly believed this Korean kampo method is exactly the solution for people who had skin problems.
It took about three years to convince Dr. Oh. Finally Dr. Oh agreed to provide his full formula for our DaAll soap development. The moment Dr. Oh said “yes” I couldn’t stop the tears from falling-I was so elated.
Challenge #2: Issues in Manufacturing
After we reached the final formula, our next step was manufacturing.
I had a number of negotiations with different soap factory owners in Japan. Because of Dr. Oh’s complicated formula, it was a long process to find the right factory that could accept the production and was willing and able to undertake the development. Dr. Oh’s recipe of natural ingredients was almost impossible to blend with the soap base foundation. And the challenge was to work with a manufacturer who could make the impossible possible.
Why manufacture in Japan?
Across a wide variety of industries, Japan development, manufacturing and packaging has been held in the highest regard in all major marketplaces throughout the world. My focus on quality while providing the best possible consumer experience is why I decided that the production of DaAll’s product line would be done solely in Japan. One of the biggest factors is the quality of the soap base that Japanese manufacturers produce. I have tried and tested a number of soap bases including various products sold overseas and none of them worked the way I wanted it to. After a long research, I finally came to a conclusion that Japanese soap products excel in its soap base production technology and my decision was made; DaAll had to be produced in Japan.
All natural Kampo ingredients formulated in Japan
All our natural beauty ingredients are made in Japan and carefully selected to produce soaps with utmost quality for all skin types. I had a number of discussions with the soap factory in Japan, conducted vigorous testing and development backed by Dr. Oh’s traditional all-natural formula in wanting to meet the demand of our customers. With our years of efforts, we finally landed on the best formula with maximum effect.
Japan based production line to original soap production
Due to an economy that normally relies on mass production, most products are often created with a very small percentage of effective ingredients in order to save on costs and overall manufacturing.
The key to DaAll’s soap was its best balance of ingredients using Dr. Oh’s recipe.
I had a number of negotiations with different soap factory owners in Japan. Because of our complicated formula, it was a long process to find the right factory that could accept production and was willing and able to undertake development. It took me more than a year to land on the right manufacturer.
The owner of one soap factory heard me out and was very understanding.
Finally after numerous testing and research with one soap factory, we’ve formulated the exact soap base that produces a rich and perfect lather while maintaining our blend of highly concentrated ingredients. The ultra-creamy fine textured lather and high foaming ability is made possible due to a special combination of DaAll’s core ingredients and this specialized soap base.
And this is how a purely made-in-Japan DaAll soap was launched.
Challenge #3: Overcoming portability issue
The biggest challenge for facial soaps is its portability, convenience to carry them from place to place without worrying about spillage. I am also a frequent business traveler to countries such as US mainland, Hawaii, Korea, Taiwan and China and I found storage for bar soaps and cleansers have always been troublesome. Containers can leak during travel and soaps can get gross and slimy.
How do you travel with your soap or cleansers? Some problems you may have encountered:
– I never thought of carrying around soaps before because I normally use disposable soaps.
– I always try to find a small container to put my soap when traveling and they’re hard to find.
– When I bring my soap with me and use it in the morning, my soap and net never gets dry.
– My soap is always wet and slimy.
– My soap melts easily and fast.
– Carrying soap isn’t sanitary. How can this be solved?
– It’s too bulky to carry soap and a net while traveling.
– I want to travel light. – I want to unpack my things easily.
↓Most travelers would find storing personal hygiene items in bags to be far too messy for taking along while traveling.
DaAll Aesthetic Cream Soap also solves this problem with a spill-proof compact hard case with a urethane drainer sponge. The top lid is designed to store a foaming net. The perfect container will ensure you great portability and convenience!

DaAll Aesthetic Cream Soap Macaroon Case Set comes with DaAll cream soap, foaming net, lacquer container and its base draining urethane sponge which helps drain and keep your bar soap dry so they last longer.
Great for traveling and highly convenient!
DaAll Aesthetic Cream Soap is designed to fulfil the basic needs of those who want to travel with their own facial cleansers.
DaAll is a perfect soap solution for frequent travelers. Just follow the easy step-by-step directions found in each DaAll package and it will change your life forever.